So I finally got round to filming my first splits blog. It's nowt special, just so you can actually see where I'm starting this journey from. It may seem like I'm pretty close to the floor already BUT I have been this close for a good long while now and it's the hardest push! It is also mighty painful. So here I am, a bit sweaty and dishevelled but meh!
So this is where it begins. . .where it will end no-one knows (but hopefully in the splits!). If you want to try this at home make sure you are properly warmed up before you go sliding your feet as far away from each other as it is possible to get. Or you may end up with a nasty groin injury, I've sure had my share! I will be showing some stretches and methods I've been using to help along the way in my next blog. All helpful comments totally welcome, I'm open to suggestions. Please also feel free to share your experiences of trying to get bendy. I've been at this trying to get bent lark for two years, it's a lonely old slog. Tatty bye for now, I shall return in a few weeks with further news of my crotch's proximity to the floor, I bet you can't flippin' wait.